From its philosophy, Human considers the company as a set of elements that maintain a balance among themselves and operate focused on a point of balance between the organization and its elements.



Primer ERP

ERP System focused on enterprise processes, KPI and monitoring.

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Human V1

The Arkhex Human V1 Methodology focuses mainly on evaluating the behavior of organizations, representing their processes and macro-processes in diagrams and the different functions that intervene throughout the entire company and its value chain. Human needs to identify the key and high points where optimization could represent a key factor in the generation of precise and optimal results that translate into a better evaluation of the organization and, at the end of the day, better profitability.

Organizations by themselves are made up of rocks, walls, equipment and technology that without correct orchestration and planning of their human capital can become islands that operate and serve a single purpose but not the main objective and line of the company. For this reason it is important within any organization to identify and consider all the possible dimensions or areas to which care and direct all efforts in the direction outlined in the strategic planning of the corporation.


Focus on Processes


Best Practices


KPI and Objetives

We optimize processes!

We improve processes within the organization, aligning functions, sub-processes and macro-processes

Features and Benefits for your business

Primer can help you become a leading company and improve your competitive advantage.

Features and Benefits for your business

Primer can help you become a leading company and improve your competitive advantage.

Higher speed

Get faster projections and decisions, with real-time data


Better workflows, industry-specific processes

Website Architecture

Improved and responsive ux design, which increases productivity

Focus on your business results

while primer takes care of your processes...